Our Services and Expertise
Medical stop loss is a financial risk management tool solely for the plan sponsor's benefit. Its unique dynamics require a thoughtful approach. However, for many plan sponsors (and their advisors), it's often overlooked or misunderstood.
At Aegis Risk, stop loss is our focus - throughout the plan year. To help our clients and partners navigate its complexities, we provide:

Brokerage of stop loss coverage. We obtain competitive coverage proposals from our various carrier partners and summarize the results in a clear and concise manner. But it's beyond simply "spreadsheeting" like all other brokers and consultants. Unlike other employee benefits coverages, stop loss requires your advisor to sell and engage the underwriter on your risk. We thoughtfully assemble a submission and engage a conversation to obtain the strongest coverage at the lowest cost.
Year-round claims monitoring and reimbursement filing. We don't end upon placement of coverage. We provide monitoring of high claimants and file all reimbursements directly with the carrier. Our setup removes any concerns about placing stop loss outside of your health plan or TPA.
Internal risk pool analyses. We assist multi-divisional organizations, often with various stop loss policies and/or deductibles, setup an internal risk pool backed by a single policy with a higher deductible. This significantly lowers fixed premium, while efficiently allocating the initial expense at each division's tolerance.
Our expertise is evident in several ways:
We are familiar with stop loss claims dynamics, including claim frequencies, diagnoses and severities. We can identify optimal deductible size.
We ensure seamless coverage - we know not to replace a 12/12 contract with another 12/12.
We seek optimal disclosure dates to 'firm' your proposal as soon as possible. We always indicate if it's a forthcoming need and avoid any surprises.
We seek laser-free renewals and proposals. Excluded claimants, often called 'lasers', are accepted only as a rate option - we do not partner with carriers prone to frequent lasers.
We review stop loss contracts for potential coverage gaps with your medical plan.
We explain the difference in underwriters and always seek the appropriate type for our clients.
We partner with employers directly, as well as brokers and consultants who recognize the value in our specialized expertise.
Contact us today to discuss our approach, market observations, and to obtain a No-Commitment review of your coverage.