Services - Medical Stop Loss Bid Requirements

Aegis Risk assists its clients in obtaining comprehensive and competitive stop loss coverage from some of the industry's leading underwriters.
Coverage options can be obtained in just a few days - providing a quick review of your existing coverage, or identifying alternatives with significant savings.
To obtain coverage quotations, the following information is typically needed:
Employee census, including gender, DOB, medical plan election, single/dependent tier, home zip code and employee status
At least two years of monthly medical claims and enrollment
At least two years of high cost claimant data (>$50,000) in addition to the current plan year, including paid amount, diagnosis and prognosis
Summary of underlying medical plan design, claims administrator(s) and PPO/HMO network
Current stop loss contract specifications (e.g. contract type, deductible, individual lifetime maximum, carrier) and requested coverage
Contact information
Upon receipt, we will contact you to discuss a suggested approach.
To learn more, including our approach, our market observations and to obtain a No-Commitment review of your coverage, contact us today (see above link).